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-An African Centered University-
Why Chiist Mahadum?
Challenging and supportive staff
We provide students with the opportunity to earn their degrees according to their own terms. We provide students with the opportunity to study online. Chiist Mahadum provide's the students with an environment that is challenging, and with supportive staff to help our students reach their goals. We provide a challenging and quality culturally relevant educational experience that students need, stipulate and merit.
A world-class Mahadum, online
Chiist Mahadum (CM) provides students the opportunity to incorporate cultural based research to achieve relevant educational skills that they can use to improve and uplift their communities as well as for their own personal growth and objectives. Nation building and service to their communities are imperatives of CM education.
Learn from the best minds around
Not only earn the same degree on-campus students receive, but also learn from our faculty and invited Laureates, renowned Scholars and more. As a growing Mahadum with several available degrees, you can learn from the best in your area of interest from Chiist Education, African History and Culture, Effective, Leadership, and Natural Theology.

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