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-An African Centered University-

Admissions Requirements
Terms of Admission
It has finally come to this. You have made the decision to join a unique institution of learning. You have decided to become one of the future leaderships of African communities with the express objective to change the conditions of the members of African communities. This is a commitment you have made not just to yourself but to your family and extended family. It is a commitment that we at Chiist University are determined to stand by you as you begin your academic journey. As you work hard to achieve your academic objectives, we shall work hard to
provide you with all the support you need. So, when you officially enrolled at Chiist University, we make a commitment to you. Our determination and drive represent your devotion to excellence while our unyielding support represents our obligation to you.
Admission to Chiist Mahadum is not based on any level of academic achievement prior to entering this university, except for at least a high school diploma for undergraduate work. However, our most important concern is the students ability to learn and experience new ways of learning. We realize that many students may have attended traditional universities or schools and may have acquired unit learning in English mathematics physical science social studies perhaps foreign languages computer science or any other look areas. We do, however, want our students to understand we do need this document for your files however we do our own testing based on 4
Your willingness to follow directives from an African centered perspective.
Your willingness to follow strict guidelines of expectations for the course you are studying and the ability to complete assignments as required.
It is imperative that the student can articulate coherently in written work and communicate effectively.
Please review the admission requirements for Chiist University Here, you’ll find requirements for the programs that attract your interest. Now click on a link. When you are ready to enroll, click the ‘Request Info’ button above to fill out the questionnaire. An enrollment advisor will contact you and answer your questions here.