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-An African Centered University-
Colleges and Divisions
College of Leadership
The necessity for strong leadership across all sectors is very critical and in the 21st century, the need is growing considerably. Many organizations are demanding genuine leaders who can engender conviction, empower others, and find pioneering solutions to today’s dilemmas, disputes and challenges.
Chiist University's College of Leadership is dedicated to providing the knowledge foundation requisite for globally capable and ethical leaders to move forward their communities, institutions, and perhaps the world.
College of African Studies
The College of African Studies is a conduit for Africa-related activities at Chiist University. The mission of the College of African Studies is to propagate knowledge and information about Africa; its people, geography, cultures, languages, economic development, agriculture, education and social structures throughout Chiist University (and beyond). In pursuit of this mission, CU offers diverse academic programming including an undergraduate Certificate in African Studies, and undergraduate Minor in African Studies, and a Graduate Certificate in African Studies.
College of Chiism (Godianism) Studies
Cultural Consistency is an important component of nation formation, nation building, and management. Educating Students About African Spiritual and Cultural Dynamics as Prerequisites to Original Thinking is an important aspect of pan-africanism.
Chiist University College of Chiism (Godianism) offer degrees that allow our students to begin their college education in culturally enlightening fields such as Bachelors of Arts degree in African traditional spirituality called Chiism.
College of Natural Theology
The school of NKAZI N’IME UWA (Natural Theology) introduces students to the concept that the idea of ChinEke is found using reason, and concepts in our natural senses, as well as using what is found in nature to interpret and to explain aspects of the Divine.
Thus, human experience can have solutions without necessarily correlating solutions to revealed books. Students are given the opportunity to use this knowledge to tackle personal principles of human experience, with problem-based processes that hallow Divine Power'