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Natural Theology

Natural Theology

The College of African Studies is a conduit for Africa-related activities at Chiist University. The mission of the College of African Studies is to propagate knowledge and information about Africa; its people, geography, cultures, languages, economic development, agriculture, education and social structures throughout Chiist University (and beyond). In pursuit of this mission, CU offers diverse academic programming including an undergraduate Certificate in African Studies, and undergraduate Minor in African Studies, and a Graduate Certificate in African Studies.

With Core and affiliated Faculty and staff members from all of CU's Colleges and Schools, CU leverages multidisciplinary Africanist expertise across the University to build research capacity and offer opportunities for instruction and experiential community service. Through African Studies (AFST) courses, academic programming, research projects, and outreach activities, CU has built strong capacities around Pedagogical Focus Areas (PFA): (1) African Languages and Cultures;(2) African Knowledge and Belief Systems;(3) History of the African World;(4) African Literary and Performance Arts;(5) Science, Technology, and Resource Management in Africa;(6) Nutrition and Public Health Research in Africa; and (7) International Law and Justice.

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